Search API
Technical Notes
- The Key Wrap endpoint in the Encryption API is a pre-requisite step for this Connex SSN Inquiry endpoint for Co-Op clients. The Key Wrap is the key obtained by the customer using the Encryption API for the Base64 encoded value for their key, which the Client will use to decrypt the encrypted value when received from the API.
- You MUST send a wrappedkey for every Connex SSN Inquiry call, and the Response will return an encrypted SSN Inquiry code based on the Encryption API's key wrap endpoint.
- Use the key wrap endpoint in the Encryption API to de-encrypt the Connex SSN Inquiry endpoint response. The Decryption scripts are detailed for /connex/cvv.get on the Plastics API Technical Notes wik.
FindAccount may return incomplete account/customer information if the method is called soon after building a new account/adding a customer to an account.